Now offering
birth photography!

* Any senior photoshoots booked before April 1 receive $75 off their session fee.
* All sessions! 40% off gift prints (8 x 10 and smaller) and $25 wall art and
*Still looking for senior embassadors! Give me a call if you're interested.
Model Call! I need 8-10 models--regular women between the ages 30 to 100--to practice some contemporary portrait photography with as part of a course that I'm taking. Sessions would take place the mornings of March 25-27. Each session would last about 2 hours --an hour for hair and makeup, and an hour of shooting. You would be responsible for the cost of the hair and makeup artist, which I'm hoping to provide on-site (probably around $50), payable in advance. You must come to the session makeup-free and hair pulled back. My session fee will be waived, and you will receive 50% off gift prints. Send me a message or give me a call at 814-525-5933 if you're interested in feeling and looking fabulous!
We're looking for fun juniors who would like to represent Allegria Images as high school senior ambassadors! All kinds of fun perks and a great way to earn major discounts on your full senior photography session. One ambassador per school in the Twin Falls area. Shoot me a message via the contact form if you're interested.
September 16, 2014
40% off birth photography if booked by October 1!!! Don't miss this opportunity to have this amazing, once in a lifetime experience documented in a tasteful and beautiful way. Please check out the FAQs tab for more information on this incredible emerging genre of photography, and give me a call today to secure your spot. I only book 4 per month, so don't miss out! (814)525-5933
Since I'm new in Idaho, I figure I'd best learn how to take photos of girls with their horses! If you have a horse and would let me practice, please give me a call for a free shoot (yes, free, because I can give no guarantees!!) and 50% off any sized print. I'm only booking three of these practice/portfolio sessions, so hurry and call today! (814)525-5933
I'm looking for a model to do a conceptual senior shot to display at the 2014 Twin Falls County Fair! This will be something really different, most likely involving some composite Photoshop work with a nature theme. Although I don't want or need someone stick thin, I do need someone who is fairly physically flexible and fit with long hair. Depending on what I end up deciding to do, a dancer with toe shoes might be a plus. Might not, if I go a different direction, but if you do dance and have shoes, that would be a bonus just in case! I will need to do the shoot this Friday, August 15, 2014 so I can do the processing work and have the print ordered in time for the deadline. If you think you are up for the challenge, which will take an hour at the most of your time, please shoot me a message on Facebook. There will be no charge for the session, because it's not really a session. It's just an idea I want to try which may or may not work! You may order any sized print at half price, if you like it.
If I have taken your photos already, I'm afraid we'll have to get together another time. :) This shout-out is for someone who has not had their photo taken with me before. I need to build my Twin Falls portfolio as well, so I need a bunch of new faces!
SALE! (ended)
Still offering a "hellllooooo Idahoooo!" sale! 25% discount on any session. Offer good if booked and paid for by September 1. The session can take place after this date, of course, but fee must be paid in full by deadline.
And that's it, friends! Hopefully there will be more exciting news to share as I move forward here in Idaho. So call me!! We'll have a simply grand time!